Category: Biophony

Biophony is the collective sound that vocal non-human living organisms create in each given environment.

  • Swan song at sunrise

    The swan song is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement.The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song just before their death since they have been silent for most of their lifetime.Letโ€™s listen to the touching song of the whooper swan…

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  • White-tailed eagle call

    The White-tailed Eagle is the largest predatory bird in Poland, listed in the Polish Red Book of Animals. Recording this bird has been one of my field recording dreams for months. Unfortunately, it’s difficult as the White-tailed Eagle is rare and only makes sounds in exceptional situations. I’ve managed to record it with the help…

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  • Die Luge – Retrospective Soundscape Reconstruction

    This time I present a reconstruction of the acoustic landscape of the majestic Die Luge reserve, currently known as Olszyny Niezgodzkie. The recording was made almost 100 years after the publication of the following article, in the exact location described in it. “Every visitor to ลuga is struck by the impression of a truly natural…

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  • Mating Calls of Marsh Frogs at Sunrise

    The weather in Poland during the turn of March and April this year was unfavorable with frequent rains and strong winds, making it difficult to observe and record nature. However, after spending several nights near the habitats of the moor frog (Rana arvalis), I was fortunate enough to find good weather conditions and record an…

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  • Dummy Head Microphone vs. SASS Microphone

    This time Iโ€™ve decided to compare two binaural microphone rigs that take advantage of the mechanics of human hearing. The recordings feature the Common Cranes as they take off into flight over Milicz Ponds at sunrise. The Milicz Ponds are a main stopping point for Common Cranes in Poland during their migration from north to…

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